It is accepted by the new model of the world of work that the bulk of our current population is going to be constantly on the move between  jobs, or even careers. That means, in turn, we have to sacrifice our values for the stability and certainty of one’s career path for the sake of knowledge oriented technologies and global re-orientation of the modern business collaborations. What do we gain instead?
Looking at the bright side:

  • life-long learning attitude, more democratic approach to education, including on-the-job training, virtual schools, community educational and training services, sponsored by governments and corporations;
  • international business, cultural and global traveling opportunities; possibilities to participate in global scale projects; on the other hand, growing tendency for flexible workdays, including working and studying from home;
  • division of labour between countries – someone makes the best planes, someone  provides the best pilots…
  • nations on the move means an increased need for various type of transportation and  an  increased need for directions where to move, settlement, informational,  childminding services, you name it-  suddenly, an opportunity for the new set of jobs in Transportation,  Hospitality, Informational and Social services

And many more, however, lets look on the other side of this coin:

  • every time, when we fall out of this system,  we have to make sure that we are competitive enough as our skills can get outdated within very short span of time – in 1-2 years and even shorter…Our grandparents will never be able to understand how could they make more money with less education, and their grandchildren with university degrees can not get a job better than an entry level position for the Home depot customer service, because during their 5 years of education the industry has disappeared from the Earth face. It would be funny, if would not be sad…
  • fierce competition creates the stress and dis-balance between life and work; the more stressful is environment, the less healthy are relationships between people; and the less healthy are people themselves. How our forties and fifties are going to look like in this economy?
  • if people are constantly on the move, their life style has to be changed and all the real estate has to lose its value; we are going to, similar to tourists or gypsies,  follow  the available job market and keep all our staff as mobile as possible;  our “mobility” is going to dictate change for the houses’ structure, and  for all other items of our every day living – it will need to fit in one suitcase. “Small space” concept seemed to be already attractive to the generation Y and to modern overpopulated cities and countries.
  • nations on the move means that people going to deal with real  issues such as decrease in commitment of any aspects, increase in exploitation for the same reason (think of the modern contracted jobs – who is responsible for your health or your relationships with your family or community).
  • The most dangerous tendency is about decreasing of our natural tendency of sharing  – we are going to develop survival techniques so that employers would keep us longer on the job – we will keep our secret formula with us or try to sell it big to cover time between jobs.

We can go on and go on, but the question is – do we really need to sacrifice our values, is it worth it?

  1. Career Maven says:

    Experience more important than paycheck, internships keep skills sharp

    This article helps to realize that what we are going through is a global tendency. Training "on a job" during volunteering or internships time is the most popular way to get into the industry, avoid work gaps on a resume, add to the skills, keep up with industry trends or forge connections with potential employers.

    New name for this tendency in Canada is CSL experience – community service learning that you can do during your college and university years. Learn about yourself and industry you are getting in…before you pay 5-6 digit figure for your post-secondary education…

    Debatable or makes sense?

  2. Your blog is really very informative. Thank you for that.

  3. Ahtsham says:

    I agree. The employer should provide some compensation to cover the cost, e.g. transportation. Otherwise, the unpaid internship opportunities lose its equality for students in financial needs.Ideally, the government will subsidy the employers if they want to hire students for internship.

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