My ideas are very simple:
1. Give priority to the most technologically advanced industries, which already proved to be beneficial for the world. Those are green technologies within the old trends, communication technologies, robotic technologies and others of the same significance for the future. You can invest in them bravely enough, if you have still something to invest! Otherwise you will lose money to inflation, while on this investment in some 3-5 years you will get a bulk return .

2. Create new jobs  with equal payment opportunities  for women.  Provide with  the child care system  partially financed by government of all levels. It will not create a chaos,  it will bring much more money to the trade, because we know who is a good spender in family.  In addition, anyway it is going to be inflation, so why not to spend money for something good and distribute them more consciously, with democratic aspect to it! Plus, we will resolve the problem with overpopulation of the planet, the working women are not often willing to come back to the home-stay mother routine.

3. Public Transportation is not supposed to be privileged and has to be under jurisdiction of Federal Government with partial participation of provincial and local authorities. Otherwise, it supposed to be opened to free market and explored by different size transportation companies, which will create competition and will improve the quality of service and correspondingly, daily life of people. In addition, it will decrease necessity to use individual transport and will serve to environmental improvements. It is time to change for public transportation system – they feel untouchable for too long and our pockets can not bare its increased greediness – de-monopolization is the word of the day – tomorrow could be too late! Do it now!

4. Pharmaceutical industry is in even worth condition, than Public transportation and in my opinion, even Real Estate. It is a huge bubble, and it is going to explode sooner or later.  They are going to be next after GM, if not going to simplify the entrance to the market for the small size companies. It is going to be outbreak for those countries, who are more open-minded than FDA and its counterpart in Canada. Competitiveness is the key, when the ideas are spread enough to be stolen. China and India, and so many more have not so established intellectual rights laws in their trade laws (see example with Toyota Lexus, Modern communication technologies are incredible in spreading an information.  Do not count on the fact, that people in the North American continent could pay 100 times more than others for their health, it is not working anymore, as UN statistics shows!
As an alternative, the  industry could be partially, nationalized and or price regulated by the governmental laws, similar to FDA(put an additional tax pressure on their over the top interests, we know those are not connected to the entrepreneurial quality, it is more about being privileged and corrupted, and return those taxes to minimize the price of medications for the taxpayers, especially, in Canada, where the Health Care System is founded on people taxes)

5. It is time for the governments and billionaires of all the world to join their efforts to create the infrastructure, where all countries best input could be helpful. Start any unthinkable project to involve as much people as possible, to create stability and trust of the people in your good will (please, do not start the war – it is not going to work this time – just use your common sense… I would think, based on Obama’s steps, that nanotechnology and stem cells research could have  international prospects to it, as the whole humanity will benefit form its development. As I mentioned above, green technology could give not only money, but power back! And not only electrical!  Or, how about invite best engineers from all countries, who are interested in the arctic development and make its exploration, including oil production, beyond politics, considering only the global problems or economical problems as resolution for money spending -anyway we need money for their resolution. We can control the production, based on the international approach from all points of view – environmental including. The money could be placed into any neutral country bank and this fund could be the first international account for Earth Problems resolution. Rewards are you do not have to spend tax money of your people, you can use it not for the political outrage fight over “the unkilled bear”, but for the creative and realistic approach to the modern situation on the planet.

…to be continued…

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