Archive for the ‘WHO AM I’ Category

It is accepted by the new model of the world of work that the bulk of our current population is going to be constantly on the move between  jobs, or even careers. That means, in turn, we have to sacrifice our values for the stability and certainty of one’s career path for the sake of […]

It does not take long to realize that  your career is all about your life experiences and your connections with other people. We are all social creatures and wired to be connected to each other.  The way we organize our social life is not about making money,believe it or not!  It is more about self-actualization, […]

Long ago, we overgrew the stage, when we could be happy only by living through another day, and that meant after we got a mammoth on our family table and provided food for the whole community. However, our hunting instincts still live with us and make us thrive for the extreme and adrenalin producing activities. We […]

Boost Your Energy

Posted: 22nd February 2009 by Lucy in WHO AM I
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Almost any situation we face in life triggers reaction in our brains, which then impacts our bodies (so named “stimulus – response” scheme). “Conditioning” is the term scientists use to describe the process whereby a life situation creates a program in our minds that replays itself when triggered by a sight, sound, smell, touch, or […]

The Empower-Your-Center-Routine

Posted: 21st February 2009 by Lucy in WHO AM I
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If you want your body to be as powerful as a locomotive, you’re going to need a pelvis that’s as strong as a steam engine. Your largest muscles are located in this part of your body. They create tremendous internal forces. With every contraction of a pelvic muscle, your head, shoulders, arms, and legs all […]