Posts Tagged ‘health and wellness’


Posted: 21st April 2011 by Lucy in WHO AM I
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If you watched the “Sicko” of M.Moore, you have to agree that something’s wrong with the health system, which raise multibillion profits of pharmaceutical and health insurance companies, while people even with good health insurance are getting less and less healthy.      Most of us not only take health for granted, but think that if […]

Boost Your Energy

Posted: 22nd February 2009 by Lucy in WHO AM I
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Almost any situation we face in life triggers reaction in our brains, which then impacts our bodies (so named “stimulus – response” scheme). “Conditioning” is the term scientists use to describe the process whereby a life situation creates a program in our minds that replays itself when triggered by a sight, sound, smell, touch, or […]

FLOAT YOUR BOAT Bathtubs are excellent tools for de-stressing your nervous system. Here’s how to turn your tub into a relaxation tank: The key to using baths to relax is to increase relaxing sensations and to decrease input-triggering activities and stimuli. The best way to separate yourself from the world’s normal stimulation is to lock […]

    These exercises are an antidote to civilization. Most of daily activities of civilized people bend them forward. One of them, the most devastating, is sitting, because virtually all of us sit in a way, that bend us forward. At school, at desk jobs, on soft furniture at home, in car seats – we’ve forever […]


Posted: 15th February 2009 by Lucy in WHO AM I
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The following eating practices will help extract maximum energy from your food, decrease stress on your digestive tract, and in the process clear up many common digestion problems such as excess gas and indigestion: Eat less. Stuffing yourself strains your system’s ability to digest what you eat. Also, overeating drains energy. You may have noticed […]