Posted: 21st April 2011 by Lucy in WHO AM I
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If you watched the “Sicko” of M.Moore, you
have to agree that something’s wrong with
the health system, which raise multibillion profits of
pharmaceutical and health insurance companies,
while people even with good health insurance
are getting less and less healthy.

     Most of us not only take health for granted, but think that if you feel good, you are healthy. Most of us are wrong! This is the reason why we successfully collect and carry aches and pains in our bodies till “middle age”, and then unsuccessfully try to battle them with multiple expensive treatments, ending up in our senior years with such degenerative diseases like arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, and in many cases, unfortunately, die untimely deaths.

We’ve all heard stories of a “healthy” middle-aged executive who drops dead of a massive heart attack just out of blue, doing his regular chores in his garage. Cancer often takes its victims by surprise, developing unnoticed from seven to fifteen years in their bodies. Moreover, statistics data show that one in four will develop heart disease; one in five will die of cancer. The most appalling fact is that young people today are less healthy than at any time since the turn of the century. Obesity epidemic, high blood pressure, failure to meet minimum fitness standards among children are facts that nobody going to argue with.

Such commonplace stories shock us, slapping in the face with a simple fact: a pain-free body isn’t necessarily healthy. They also reveal the basic truth that also feeling good is benefit of health – it is not what health is. But if health isn’t feeling good, what is it?

The answer, actually, in the root word of “health” – “heal”.

         A big part of health is your body’s ability to heal itself. We have symptoms reflect the body’s attempts to self-healing. These symptoms ironically are: sneezing and coughing; diarrhea and vomiting; fatigue; loss of appetite; pain, and fever. All these symptoms are either warning that something is wrong or signs of the body’s attempt to heal itself. For example, the body has a reason for creating fevers: it acts to speed up the action of our immune system! When you touch a hot kettle, pain in your finger tips immediately stops you from continuing of unsafe action. So you know that something’s wrong and you do not hurt yourself further. Our body has a built-in mechanism that wants wounds to heal as fast as possible to prevent infection or destruction.

Health is also how well your body functions. In other words, a person whose liver, heart, spleen, lungs, gallbladder, and every other organ functions at 100% efficiency is much healthier than someone who has the same parts functioning at 60, 70, 80, or even 90%. So our new view of health must recognize that to get healthier we must allow our bodies to function better.

     We often hear from our doctors that self-healing can be dangerous for our health and we need to help our bodies with medications to fight pain and fever, in other words, to fight the symptoms of the disease. But symptoms aren’t the problem. They only point to underlying problem. Unless the true cause is corrected, symptoms come back. Most medications only mask pain while circulating in your blood. Once drugs get flushed from your body, the stage is set for more pain. (Plus drugs themselves have some side-effects, we have to deal with. Plus, multiple drug-resistance has been developed in the microbial word ) We can not rely on drugs as a panacea.  Thus, we have to hold the “golden middle” and trust ourselves not less than to health professionals and pharmaceutical commercials, trust in our ability to treat our diseases even before they are happening to us. There are multiple techniques and strategies to achieve that important condition we call healthy and happy body and mind.

Optimally, it consists of

The key is to make health a life style. You may not be able to cram more activities in your present life. Instead, start replacing some of the things you doing now with the activities, described in these pages. If you do, there’s no way health can keep away from you.

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